1/ Culi Coffee What is it?

This coffee (also known as Bi Coffee or Peaberry) is a type of coffee with round beans like peas. They have a high caffeine content, a fragrant aroma, and a strong bitter taste. Because of this, the caffeine content in this coffee is higher than usual. In each coffee harvest, this type of coffee only accounts for about 5% of the total amount of coffee picked. Afterwards, it’s separated to be roasted and ground separately to ensure the quality of the coffee.


2/ Bean characteristics Culi coffee

Shape of the bean this coffee is round. This is a characteristic to recognize this coffee as it is very different from other types of coffee. This coffee comes from coffee cherries that mutate from regular coffee types like Arabica or Robusta. But instead of having two coffee beans in one cherry, this coffee has only a single bean.


3/ Flavor of Culi coffee

Due to its special structure, the flavor of this coffee brings a very unique touch. This coffee is considered to have higher acidity and aroma aroma good. The caffeine content in this coffee is very high, resulting in a mysteriously dark black brew. The bitterness is also much stronger compared to other types of coffee. However, for those who prefer a stronger coffee, they will never be able to overlook this coffee.


4/ Distinguishing Culi coffee

This coffee has a stronger bitterness than Robusta and Arabica Calm down. Culi – Robusta coffee has a stronger aroma than regular Robusta coffee. Culi – Arabica coffee has a distinct bitter and intense fragrance characteristic of coffee. Moreover, it also has a gentle, unique sourness.

In conclusion

Each type of coffee has its distinct flavor and this coffee is no exception. They are all gifts from nature. Enjoy them your way!

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